Fashion Shouldn't Cost the Earth

With the fashion world at our fingertips, clothing has never been as cheap and easy to obtain. Prices get lower and lower, with an overwhelming amount of options. But we have to ask ourselves, what is the true cost of this industry?

Fast Fashion is defined by: inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends.

Slow Fashion is defined by: an approach to producing clothing which takes into consideration all aspects of the supply chain and in doing so, aims to respect people, the environment, and animals. It also means spending more time on the design process, ensuring that each piece of apparel is quality made.

In reality, this continuous accumulation of cheap garments is only possible because of a constant reduction of production costs. This, in turn, has serious consequences on our health, our planet, and on garment workers’ lives.

That is why The Walk in Wardrobe is dedicated to giving secondhand garments a second chance (and third...fourth...) to be loved again. We care about humans and we care about our planet, so bit by bit we are making our business more earth-friendly.

As well as only selling secondhand items and donating unsold garments to a local charity, our shipping bags are fully compostable and include no plastic. We use wooden hangers with wooden sizing beads that are sourced from a local bead shop and we recycle our waste and hang dry all of our washed garments. We even recycle bags in our Frankton store rather than ordering in shopping bags.

We, of course, realise that there is always room for growth and we're excited to become more and more involved in the recycled revolution. 

10 Reasons to Shop Secondhand

  1. 1.

    You can find unique garments that are not on the high street.

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    Shopping secondhand contributes to the circular economy we're trying to advocate so that 'old' clothes get a new lease of life and avoid landfill.

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    When you spend money you are casting a vote for the type of world you want to live in. By shopping preloved you're supporting the slow fashion movement that in turn, supports our planet.

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    Shopping ethically means that you are reducing harm to the people and regions around the world most affected by the fast fashion industry. Garment workers are subject to unsafe work environments, unethical pay, inhumane treatment and poor working conditions.

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    Making secondhand your first choice reduces the amount of new garments being pumped into our high streets.

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    Support local preloved businesses over the retail giants - we heard that those that support small get the best deal in the afterlife...

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    Healthier for your bank account as well as the planet.

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    The hunt is far more fun when there's hidden treasures to discover!

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    You can be far more adventurous with your style and experiment by mixing trends and eras - conformity is boring anyway.

  10. 10.

    Did you know that on average, people wear an item of clothing only seven times before throwing them away! Try exchanging them instead!

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